Thursday, July 9, 2009

Yea, I'll pop in and say hey to Abe

As we made the dirt and duck poo filled walk to the Lincoln memorial, Andi, Pierce and I talked about Lincoln and his legacy. As I thought more about my knowledge of him as a person and a politician I realized it was very limited. Which is funny because I've been asked a couple different times who my favorite president is and I always say Lincoln. Which leads into a very interesting question about Lincoln and his iconic image and why we, as Americans hold him in such high esteem.
Out of all the monuments we saw at the mall today, the Lincoln Memorial was the most crowded by far. When I entered the cold stone hall where Abe sat, I felt the the temp and noise level drop instantly. Above his head read the words, "
“In this temple, as in the hearts of the people for whom he saved the Union, the memory of Abraham Lincoln is enshrined forever.” I felt myself getting goosebumps but wasn't quite sure what the emotion was really stemming from.

That being said, I have yet to read "When Lilacs Last" so I am going to have to do a "To Be Continued..." after some thought and discussion on the topic.

In other news, we were in the Philadelphia inquirer so check it out!

1 comment:

bonniekathryn said...

Thanks, Jenni... I'm glad you're taking time to reflect on Lincoln (and Whitman on Lincoln!)